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File Created: 08-May-2021 by Del Ferguson (DF)
Last Edit:  08-May-2021 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name EUREKA, LUCKY STRIKE Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103I097
Status Showing NTS Map 103I15E
Latitude 054º 57' 32'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 43' 60'' Northing 6090252
Easting 517076
Commodities Gold, Arsenic, Silver, Lead, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Antimony Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
I14 : Five-element veins Ni-Co-As-Ag+/-(Bi, U)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Eureka showing is located on a west facing upper ridge side, approximately 16 kilometres north of the north end of Kitsumkalum Lake and 50 kilometres north of Terrace, B.C.

Regionally, the area is underlain by Jurassic to Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group sediments which have been intruded by Late Cretaceous granodiorite and quartz monzonite stocks and sills.

The area has been explored in conjunction with the South Lorne Creek (MINFILE 103I 027) and a completed regional exploration history can be found there.

In 2016, J2 Syndicate and Goliath Resources Ltd. completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping, hand trenching and rock and stream sediment sampling on the area as the Lucky Strike property and particularly on the Prosperity Trend, approximately 12 kilometres south of the Eureka showing. One day was spent on the Eureka showing in the northwest corner of the Lucky Strike Property, where multiple quartz veins containing arsenopyrite, pyrite and galena were discovered and sampled. Individual veins ranged from under 1 centimetre to one metre in width, often parallel to sub- parallel with foliation and bedding or locally as large stockworks up to 3 metres wide in sedimentary units. Seven of fourteen samples collected over the Eureka area had strongly elevated values in As greater than 1,000 parts per million. Several of the samples also had elevated values in Co, Mo and Sb.

An airborne magnetic survey was flown over the Lucky Strike Property in 2017 for a total of 563 line kilometres. Magnetic anomalies were found to highlight apparent intrusives at several locations, they generally corresponded with resistive zones in the SkyTEM data as well as with anomalous 2016 sampling. Several new areas of interest were identified as a result of this electromagnetic survey: Kahuna, Douglas, Lorne and Prosperity North (Assessment Report 36902).

An NI 43-101 Technical Report was completed on the Lucky Strike property in 2017 for Goliath Resources Limited and a second comprehensive report was completed in 2018 including work done during the 2017 field season. The program consisted of reconnaissance and follow-up prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical sampling. Sampling during the 2017 and 2018 field season resulted in the definition of several new zones of mineralization.

EMPR AR *1930-137,138; 1931-71; 1954-64
EMPR ASS RPT 8315, *36902, 37542, 37976, 38970
EMPR BULL *1, 1932, pp. 51,56,57
EMPR EXPL 1980-399
EMPR PFD 905711
GSC MAP 278A; 11-1956; 1136A; 1385A
GSC MEM *212, pp. 45,46,Fig. 10; 329
GSC P 36-20, p. 49; 36-17
*Turna, R. (2017-08-31): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Lucky Strike Property*
PR REL Goliath Resources Limited Oct 24, 2017; Jan 8, Feb 26, July 5, July 18, Aug 13, Oct 2, 2018; Jan 15, Jul 29, Aug 15, Aug 26, Sep 3, Oct 28, 2019; Dec 2, Dec 29, 2020; Jan 5, 2021